Bed Room Set design is minimalist, simple and elegant.
- Pearl White color as a characteristic of the class.
- The doors are processed using a system of Membrane Press, making it more strength, and Durability Durable.
- Profile door is made with CNC machines, so the results are more precise and beautiful.
- Handle doors designed specifically to look classy, with a resulting print the words "Olympic" on the front side.
- Curved corners on tables Learning guarantee security in its use and make it looks more flexible.
- Learning Table was designed deliberately leaves the side (not the usual square box) to make it more dynamic, learning becomes fun and not get bored quickly
- Learning and Book Cabinet table can be combined with the perfect-matching, the function increases and is delicious too.
Pearl Series advantage
Posted by
, Kamis, 22 Juli 2010 at 01.35, in
Pearl Series advantage
Kitchen set with hardware
Posted by
, Selasa, 20 Juli 2010 at 23.28, in
Kitchen set with hardware
Ayam dan Telur Ayam, mana duluan?
Posted by
, Kamis, 15 Juli 2010 at 18.04, in
Teka Teki Telur dan Ayam.

BBC News.
Mana Duluan, Ayam atau Telur? Ini Jawabnya!
By Elin Yunita Kristanti - Kamis, 15 Juli
VIVAnews - Para ilmuwan berhasil menjawab salah satu tebak-tebakan tertua di dunia, mana yang lebih dulu, ayam, atau telur?
Melalui komputer super, tim dari Universitas Sheffield dan Warwick, Inggris menemukan jawabannya. Apakah itu? Ayam.
Kepada laman Harian The Sun, ketua tim peneliti menjelaskan bagaimana mereka berhasil memecahkan teka-teki tersebut.
"Apa yang kami temukan adalah 'kecelakaan' yang menyenangkan. Awalnya, tujuan penelitian kami adalah menemukan bagaimana binatang membuat cangkang telur."
Menurutnya, selama ini, masyarakat telah menganggap remeh ayam. Kami tidak menyadari proses luar biasa yang ditunjukan para ayam dalam proses pembuatan telur.
"Sadarkah Anda, ketika memecahkan kulit telur rebus di pagi hari, Anda sedang menyaksikan salah satu material luar biasa di dunia."
Cangkang telur memiliki kekuatan sangat luar biasa, meski beratnya sangat ringan. Manusia tak bisa membuat benda seperti itu, bahkan yang mendekatinya.
"Masalahnya, kita tak tahu bagaimana ayam membuat cangkangnya."
Tim peneliti lalu menggunakan komputer super milik Dewan Riset Sains Inggris (UK Science Research Council) yang berbasis di Edinburgh. Komputer itu dinamakan HECToR (High End Computing Terascale Resource).
"Kami ingin menelusuri bagaimana telur terbentuk, dengan melihat proses detail telur secara mikroskopis."
Yang pertama dicari adalah, mengetahui 'resep' yang digunakan ayam untuk membuat cangkang telur.
"Dengan bantuan komputer canggih, Kami memecahkan masalah ini selama berminggu-minggu. Sementara, ayam bisa menyusun cangkang itu hanya dalam semalam."
Lucunya, pemilihan cangkang telur ayam sebagai fokus penelitian benar-benar tak disengaja. Para peneliti memilih telur ayam karena proteinnya sederhana untuk ditelaah.
Namun hasilnya ternyata sangat mengejutkan. "Kami memecahkan teka-teki sepanjang masa. Ini mengagumkan."
Hasilnya, ditemukan protein khusus yang ada di tubuh ayam. Protein itu adalah adalah 'tukang bangunan' tanpa lelah, menyusun bagian-bagian cangkang mikroskopis membentuk cangkang telur.
Protein itu menginisiasi proses pembentukan cangkang sebelum menyusun bagian telur yang lain.
Tanpa protein pembangun tersebut, telur tak mungkin terbentuk. Dan, protein itu hanya ditemukan di rahim ayam. "Itu berati ayam ada duluan sebelum telur."
Tapi, dari mana ayam berasal?
Beberapa teori mengatakan, nenek moyang ayam menciptakan telur zaman Dinosaurus.
"Penemuan kami sangat potensial. Sebab, cangkang telur dibentuk dari banyak kristal kecil. Kita bisa menggunakan informasi ini untuk mengetahui cara membuat dan menghancurkan struktur kristal lainnya."
Sebagai contoh, untuk menghilangkan kerak di ceret maupun pipa. Penelitian ini juga berimplikasi medis.
"Karena tubuh kita menggunakan metode yang sama untuk membuat gigi dan tulang, kita bisa belajar lebih banyak tentang bagaimana membangun kembali tulang manusia." (adi)
Wah gawat, proses sempurna masih juga diteliti, apakah untuk kemajuan manusia dalam menguasai teknologi ataukah hanya untuk menjawab pertanyaan, salah kaprah jika hanya untuk menjawab pertanyaan, karena Allah menciptakan manusia utuh sebagai seorang laki-laki, karena kebutuhan biologis, maka diciptakan pasangannya dari tulang rusuk, dan diteruskan keturunannya di muka bumi untuk kesejahteraan umat manusia, maka berpikirlah untuk kesejahteraan manusia, bahwa manusia mempunyai kelebihan dari mahluk Allah yang lain, dengan diberi akal, maka ciptakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, agar engkau tahu apa yang akan anda lakukan setelah mati.
Bintang Ini 20 Kali Lebih Besar dari Matahari
Posted by
, at 17.58, in
Bintang Ini 20 Kali Lebih Besar dari Matahari

BBC Indonesia,
By Renne R.A Kawilarang - Kamis, 15 Juli
[Bintang muda IRAS (kiri atas) difoto oleh Teleskop Spitzer milik NASA] Bintang muda IRAS (kiri atas) difoto oleh Teleskop Spitzer milik NASA
VIVAnews - Suatu teleskop luar angkasa berhasil memotret sekumpulan bintang yang berada di galaksi lain. Salah satunya adalah sebuah bintang muda yang diyakini berukuran 20 kali lebih besar dari matahari.
Demikian ungkap ilmuwan yang bekerja sama dengan peneliti dari Badan Antariksa Amerika Serikat (NASA). Peneliti NASA, Stefan Kraus dan astronom dari Universitas Michigan, Ann Arbor, mengungkapkan bahwa penemuan itu dalam rangka meneliti bagaimana bintang-bintang besar lahir di jagat lain.
Seperti dikutip di laman resmi NASA, Rabu 14 Juli 2010, Kraus mengungkapkan bahwa Teleskop Luar Angkasa milik NASA, Spitzer, berhasil merekam gambar suatu bintang yang dinamakan IRAS 13481-6124. Gambar dari Teleskop Spitzer itu juga didukung oleh pantauan dari stasiun teleskop di Chile.
Bintang itu berlokasi di konstelasi Centaurus, yang berjarak 10.000 tahun cahaya. Massa IRAS 20 kali lebih besar dari matahari. "Ini merupakan kali pertama benda seperti itu bisa terpantau," kata Kraus.
Melalui pencitraan Spitzer, para peneliti juga menyaksikan bahwa bintang itu dikelilingi oleh kumpulan gas dan debu sehingga menyerupai cakram. Fenomena seperti juga terjadi pada bintang-bintang yang lain. "Cakram itu sangat mirip dengan apa yang telah kami lihat pada bintang-bintang muda, yang bentuknya lebih kecil, namun tetap saja besar," kata Kraus.
Menurut dia, gambar dari Spitzer kali ini menghasilkan citra yang lebih jelas dari yang pernah diperlihatkan sehingga membantu para ilmuwan untuk memahami lebih baik akan lahirnya bintang di jagat lain.
Inilah kebesaran Tuhan, dimana Bumi, Langit dan Isinya, semua ciptaanNya adalah maha besar, maha menakjubkan, yang selalu tertata rapi, apakah manusia mampu menjangkaunya?
Allohu Akbar, yang mencipta langit, bumi dan diantara keduanya.
Dimanakah kita kelak setelah mati dengan dijanjikan Surga dan Neraka?
Sementara luas langit dan bumi ini tidak terukur?
Maka bersyukurlah, bahwa kita ini ciptaan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
semoga bermanfaat untuk membuka mata hati kita, amin.
Gol Tunggal akhiri Belanda vs Spanyol
Posted by
, Minggu, 11 Juli 2010 at 17.45, in
Gol Tunggal akhiri Belanda vs Spanyol

One goal was enough for Spain to prove themselves as the best team in World Cup 2010 in South Africa.
Andres Iniesta single goal in the 116th minute to lead Spain to the Dutch goalkeeper for the first time the World Cup.
Match 2 x 45 minutes should be forwarded to the extra period because both the Netherlands and Spain failed to score a goal.
Spain controlled the ball more, and show the games which have become their trademark, short passes that neat.
However, a successful Dutch attack curb and blocked Spain thanks to a disciplined game, which leads to hard.
Referee Howard Webb of England have issued eight yellow cards and one red card for the Dutch players.
Spain coach Vicente del Bosque admitted this final match was a difficult match.
Very difficult. But we have some great players who know how to play in a tough game like this
Vicente del Bosque
"Very difficult. But we have some great players who know how to play in a tough game like this," said Del Bosque.
"The Netherlands does have a number of chances but we played better," said Del Bosque.
Iniesta, Spain's golden goal scorer admitted very satisfied.
"It is remarkable," said Barcelona was the home players. "Many energy-consuming, but I am very happy to win the World Cup. This is all the fruit of hard work over the years."
Spain became the eighth country that won the World Cup. This accomplishment achieved two years after winning the European Cup.
They match the achievements of Germany and France, who won the European Cup and World Cup in two year intervals.
For the Netherlands, this is the third time they failed at the World Cup final.
Spain confirm themselves as the best in World Cup 2010 after defeating the Netherlands in the final game with the score 1-0 at Soccer City Stadium, Johannesburg, Monday (12 / 7) pm dawn.
Andres Iniesta was the hero of the Spanish victory with the single goal to the Dutch goal in the second half extra-time.
Spain also successfully mated after the title two years ago won the European Cup trophy by beating Germany in the final game.
While the Dutch had to return content for the third time must be a runner up in World Cup football festival. Previously they also became runner up in 1978 and 1974.
The road game
Spain has opened an opportunity in the fifth minute header by Sergio Ramos. However, in the first test, managed to secure goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg well.
David Villa to test his luck in minute 12. Kick the ball just wide of the goalpost.
Howard Webb is also not behind to show its action by issuing five yellow cards over a period of 13 minutes to five players are different.
In minute 34, Iker Casillas misjudged the ball coming of fair play that kicked Gregory Van Der Wiel. Bouncing ball into the penalty box and failed dijangkaunya. Fortunately thin ball wide from the goal.
Three minutes later, Joris Mathijsen throw ripe opportunity he got for failing to kick a ball that passed slowly with your left leg. Though he had been in a position not in the penalty box terkawal Spain.
Entering the first-half injury time, Arjen Robben had the opportunity via the left foot kick. But the ball that led to the pile near the goal Spain had secured properly by the team captain Iker Casillas.
In the second half, who failed to turn Joan Capdevilla swept the ball when in the penalty box in a position not terkawal Netherlands. The momentum that happens when the match just three minutes walk.
Dutch ripe opportunity to get in 62 minutes. Through quick counterattack, Robben escaped from an offside trap and met one on one with Casillas. However, managed to kick the ball blocked Spain's number one goalkeeper with his feet. Persist even score 0-0.
In the 69th minute, David Villa had a chance to bring his team the lead if it can be more quiet in the off-kick towards goal which in no position terkawal.
Entering the 77th minute, Sergio Ramos Xavi corner welcomed the soccer ball with his head and in no condition terkawal. However, the ball head is still thin across the header above the crossbar Stekelenburg.
Robben again have the opportunity to bring his team the lead through 83 minutes of action on the individual. But Casillas managed to read the motion and stole the ball from Robben.
Both teams continued to press in the rest of the game. But until the end of normal time, the score remained 0-0. The game was resumed to an additional half time.
At the beginning of the first extra period, Stekelenburg doing rescue important to dispel Cesc Fabregas kicks into the second half. The Dutch responded by heading Mathijsen are still thin on the top crossbar Casillas.
At 100 minutes, Jesus Navas to try his luck with a kick off from inside the penalty box. But the ball successfully blocked Van Bronckhorst who makes the ball wide of the goalpost. Dutch veteran defender to intercept it before also important to dispel spurn Iniesta. Fabregas also still kick wide of the goalpost.
In the second half of the extra period, the Dutch lost one of his players, John Heitinga, because the accumulation of two yellow cards. Dutch defender Iniesta ahead of breaking into their penalty box. Prizes were awarded a free kick to Spain, but failed to be maximized Xavi advanced as executor.
At 116 minutes, Spain could finally broke the deadlock. Iniesta scored by kicking the severity of the penalty box, after receiving the ball from Xavi Sodoran.
Inevitably these goals was met with rousing Spanish stronghold. All players on the bench and was chasing Iniesta celebrates his goal on the sidelines.
The Netherlands has approximately four minutes trying to catch them. However, until the end of the game, a score of 1-0 for the victory of Spain survived. SPAIN 2010 WORLD WOULD BE A Champion.
The composition of Players:
Netherlands: Stekelenburg, Van Bronckhorst (Braafheid 105), Mathijsen, Heitinga, Van der Wiel, De Jong (Van der Vaart 99), Van Bommel, Dirk Kuyt (Elia 71), Sneijder, Robben, Van Persie
Spain: Casillas, Capdevilla, Puyol, Pique, Sergio Ramos, Xabi Alonso (Fabregas 87), Busquets, Pedro (Navas 60), Xavi, Iniesta, Villa (Torres 106)
We are very disappointed on occasion is a good chance for both teams in this final match because of good-Spanish marksman was always above the team goal, while the Dutch team a golden opportunity to deal directly with only the goalkeeper also failed to score goals.
we watched football league struggles FIFA World Cup Final match only at the time of the Dutch squad team squad against Team Spain. But quite satisfactory when the match between these two teams competing in South Africa green grass, which became the center of world attention, the lover of sport Soccer.
Congratulations to the Spanish team that has won the League EURO and FIFA this year.
Posted by
, Rabu, 30 Juni 2010 at 17.45, in
TDW University


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You can learn about the importance of friends in the development of your life:
obert Kiyosaki has attended a seminar 22 years ago where the instructor asked Robert to write the six names of people who most often spend time with Robert. Then the instructor is writing and announced, "You're looking at the future of you, the sixth man most frequently spend time with you guys you guys are the future."
Now please you perform the same task, write the six people who most often with you guys. It may not always be your friend, they may be coworkers, spouse, children, religious groups, or your social group. My personal time working on this job six years ago, my names dominated the list of co-workers. Now after six years had passed, the five other people in my old list is still a good friend of mine, but we rarely see. They are nice people and they live happily with their lives. My changes only involve myself, I want to change my future. To be successful to get it, I must change my way of thinking and consequently also change the people who spent time with me.
I think personally, our success depends on two things:
1. Whatever is included in our brains.
2. Anyone who knows us
Robert Kiyosaki and I did not choose my friends based on their financial circumstances. We choose friends who are obviously friends vow of poverty as well as generating millions of dollars each year. I mean, we learn from them all and we consciously try to learn from them. We admit that there are people that I want because they have money. But I do not chase their money, I searched their knowledge. In some cases people who have a lot of money to be good friends, but not all. We also learn from our friends who struggle financially, we learned what not to do.
Many people came to the place of rich friends, but they came to seek one or two things or both, namely:
1. Loans / debt
2. Job
They never come to a rich friend to ask how they can get rich.
Did you select the friends you want to be ..?
Find someone who has done what you wanted to do, take them to lunch, ask for advice to them how they became successful.
Suharto Conspiracy - CIA: the overthrow of Sukarno 1965-1967, 48 Years in Russia, Sukirno Martosukarjo Finally Returning
Posted by
, at 17.20, in
48 Years in Russia,
Suharto Conspiracy - CIA: the overthrow of Sukarno 1965-1967,
Sukirno Martosukarjo Finally Returning

Title: Conspiracy of Suharto - the CIA: the overthrow of Sukarno 1965-1967
Authors: Prof. Peter Dale Scott (summary by M. Adnan Anwar)
Publisher: PMII Unair & PeKad (Association of National Anti-Discrimination)
Printed: 1998
Thickness: 59 pages
Peter Dale Scott's short paper, Professor of the University of California, Berkeley discusses how the involvement of the United States (U.S.) in an effort to overthrow Sukarno (Soekarno) is dirty and bloody. This paper is so important because of the history surrounding the events of "September 30 Movement" (Gestapu) many are hidden, removed and reversed by the New Order regime. Massacres against allies Bung Karno (BK), which is the result of leftist conspiracy CIA-British intelligence helped Suharto, Japan and Germany.
However, Suharto and his clan rules, Gestapu is a leftist assault (alleged PKI) to right (General Ahmad Yani cs), which brought the restoration of power and then cleaning leftists as punishment by the middle class (Suharto's claim to his position here). In fact, according to Scott by pretending to do Gestapu, Companions of the Right (Soeharto cs) in the Army (Army) Indonesian eliminate the middle class (Yani et al who, although critical, but remain loyal to BK).In other words, Gestapu is merely the first phase of three phases, which aided in secret by U.S. officials and a spokesman, the first stage: Gestapu "coup" left-wing pseudo-(Col Fortunately cs). Second, the KAF Gestapu; ie PKI retaliation by killing en masse, and 3: BK supporting a massive erosion and progressive.
This summary will I make in the three major frameworks, namely the reason / motivation of the CIA dropped BK, how the CIA in creating the desire and the evidence. One of the strongest reasons to be eliminated by the CIA BK because BK close friendship with China and the Soviet bloc. Since 1953, the U.S. interest to help spark a crisis in Indonesia, which is recognized as a "direct cause" that stimulates BK end the Indonesian parliamentary system and declaring an emergency military force, and incorporates the "officer corps" is officially in political life (March 14, 1957); a political blunder BK.
While the steps taken to realize his ambition was the CIA that the military faction of the right arm-like Suharto, Walandouw, Suwarto, Sarwo Edhie, Kemal Idris, Ibnu Sutowo, Basuki Rahmat, Djuhartono, etc.-and right-wing party (Masyumi and PSI) to further minimize the effect of BK. The CIA's scenario for me in six points. First, the CIA supported the rebellion / resistance to BK. Like the aid of weapons and personnel by the CIA to support the rebellion PRRI / Permesta (Col. Walandouw) in West Sumatra to fight but can be suppressed BK-(1957-1958).Then events Lubis (1956) with characters Suwarto and Kemal Idris, and PSI.
Second, the Civic Mission program. After failing with a series resistance is felt, August 1, 1958 the U.S. provided military assistance to Indonesia reached $ 20 million a year. Control (read: control) of this AD is considered important, because the U.S. considers only the AD that is able to offset the strength of PKI.
SESKOAD years ago was established in 1958 in Bandung, which received the full support of the Pentagon, the RAND and the Ford Foundation. General Suwarto who had been educated in the U.S. that could play an important role in transforming the Army from a counter-revolution revolutionary function designated as the responsible school. Under Nasution and Suwarto, SESKOAD develop a new strategic doctrine that is Territory War doctrine, which gives priority to counter-insurgency as the role of AD. SESKOAD Suharto signed with the rank of Colonel (October 1959) and a student who is "gifted." Evidently, he was involved in the preparation of regional war doctrine as well as in the policies of the AD on the Civic Mission / Civic Action.
In SESKOAD, Army officers and civilian pro-PSI-also taught economics and administration of governance so that the Army began to cooperate and even dare to sign contracts with U.S. companies and other foreign countries outside the agreement BK regime.
In 1962, the CIA helped establish the U.S. Foreign Ministry MILTAC (Military Training Advisory Group Advisory Group = Military Exercises) in Jakarta to provide assistance in implementing programs SESKOAD Civic Mission. This program is actually an Army officer infiltration into all areas of government activities and tasks of governance. Proven, anti-Chinese riots inspired by the AD occurred in West Java in 1959 by Colonel Kosasih that finance local punks gang with the aim of damaging relations between Indonesia and China. Then followed months of student riots in May 1963 and repeated in January 1966 in Bandung and Jakarta in October 1965.
Third, the existence of internal conflicts in the body of the AD. According to Harold Crouch, by 1965 AD split into two, namely Yani cs middle group who acted against BK on national unity because of the PKI go inside. Second camp, AD-right groups that Nasution and Suharto (Basuki Rahmat Sudirman from SESKOAD et al) who acted against the wisdom that having Soekarnoism Yani (because they do not agree to seize power BK).
The existence of the conflict is indicated by Pati AD: First, in January 1965, Suharto held a meeting with union attitudes AD group urged Nasution to take the attitude that is more attuned to the BK. Second, the April 1965 seminar held in SESKOAD to seek a compromise that is a strategic doctrine that is Ubaya Tri Sakti which reaffirms the demand to have an independent political role freely.
Fourth, the U.S. program under the pretext of aid. The process can also be understood BK dropped from U.S. aid to Indonesia in the years 1963-1965, through the channel "sales commissions" or a financial contribution to support the political interests of Soeharto. For example the help of U.S. software remain devoted to the Army and Police Mobile Brigade-for-fighting forces with the PKI, which is its prime. 200 aircraft as well as assistance to the Army Commanders Aero-AU-not (July 1965), which is held sales agency commissions, Bob Hasan, a friend of Suharto. Both were friends since Soeharto as the Diponegoro Military Command. In particular, they have also established two shipping companies that have operated in the Diponegoro Division. Be unique when aid to switch from U.S. aid to Indonesia (as State) to help finance the changes to one component state that is not loyal to their own people.
However, when Lyndon Johnson became president of the United States, precisely in December 1964, U.S. aid is terminated. This result indicates that the U.S. intentionally participated actively take part to destabilize the Indonesian economy in the weeks leading Gestapu, when the price of rice rose 4x and dollar prices soared.
In fiscal year 1965, the New York Times declared "all U.S. aid to Indonesia has been halted, then the number of personnel MAP (Military Assistance Program) in Jakarta, in reality, it has increased to levels far beyond than that has been projected."
tabelTabel above shows that the Civic Action program improved.
Fifth, the occurrence of events and the role of Suharto in 1965. By August 1964, Suharto began to make political contacts with Malaysia, Japan, UK and U.S.. According to Mrazek, contact Suharto was an interesting assessment to be reconciled with a best Indonesian Army troops (the anti-communist) to Java before sending a battalion of Diponegoro (which has been infiltrated PKI) to Malaysia that could be understood as the preparations to usurp the authority of government.
Sept. 30, six generals (Yani, Suprapto, Sutoyo, S. Parman, MT. Haryono, IN Panjaitan), a pamen (Tendean), a Pama (KS Tubun) were killed by Lucky Col movement cs. Interestingly, no one general who became the target of anti BK Gestapu, except Nasution that are problematic, ie, before 1961, the CIA was disappointed that the projected Nasution rid supports BK BK reversed, and he criticized the USA's involvement in the Vietnam War. Nasution also Suharto's attitude to the cold due to his corruption case against Suharto Nasution examination in 1959 when the Diponegoro Military Command. "Becoming increasingly bizarre" when Suharto who was then holding the largest troop command (Kostrad) in fact "no entry" in the list of kidnappings.
Fortunately statement on behalf of Gestapu that protects BK "Council" CIA-backed coup that will plan prior to October 5, 1965 by alert troops from East Java, Central Java and West Java. In fact, these troops were invited to Jakarta to commemorate Armed Forces Day, October 5, 1965.Become strange when Suharto was later made a statement to quell the aftershocks Gestapu with AD remain to declare loyalty and accused the CPI plus BK AURI element that killed six generals just because of the location of wells near the Base Crocodile Hole Halim. The presence of BK, Oemar Dhani (Air Force Chief) and DN Aidhit (Chairman PKI) which diskenariokan such a way (they are in Halim) becomes a powerful weapon for BK mendelegitimasi image to generate a negative impression of the existence of the conspiracy BK-AURI and the PKI. Suharto's role is so important in this scenario. Posing as defenders of the status quo but in reality it is planning its own moves to seize power. A scenario which was then imitated by General Pinochet in Chile (1970-1973) and also in Cambodia (1970).
Interesting because both the perpetrators Gestapu (Fortunately, Cs) or which are utterly alike of the Diponegoro Division (Battalion 454), where Suharto had become Pangdamnya. The more interesting because of the fact many leaders are graduates of U.S. educational Gestapu. So there is continuity / continuity between the results achieved Gestapu (kill Yani cs), followed by Suharto on behalf of crushing Gestapu, then get rid of the remaining supporters of BK.
Overkill in a systematic and widespread and most devastating occurred precisely when Danjen RPKAD, Kol. Sarwo Edhie moved from Jakarta to Central Java and East Java to Jakarta and then back again. Civilians who were involved in the massacre were trained in the local area by AD or mobilized from the group (Gemsos Soksi and student organizations sponsored by the Army and the CIA), which for years has worked with AD about political issues; what is called as Civic Action.
Sixth, U.S. support for Suharto's faction. Evidence of the involvement of the people Suharto collaborating with the CIA, for example: First, a few months before Gestapu, a representative of Suharto, Colonel Walandouw (actor PRRI uprising), which has a long relationship with the CIA had contacted the U.S. government.
In May 1965, Lockheed commissions (CIA) in Indonesia have been transferred to a new contract and the company established in Indonesia by his agent or broker who has long nurtured Lockheed. This transfer is due to political considerations. In addition there are also Walandouw Dasaad and General Alamsyah; generals who supported Suharto in the early era of his regime because Alamsyah mastering specific large funds. Dasaad-Alamsyah Lockhedd-carriage coupled with Suharto, who recently graduated from SESKOAD. It is also recommended at least the U.S. Embassy in 1966.
Third in April 1965, an American company, Freeport Shulpur has reached a preliminary agreement with the Indonesian authorities, who will later become an investment of $ 500 million in the area of copper in West Papua. September 1965 in a short time, after the world's oil and gas industry reports that Indonesia's oil decreases sharply which can lead to a political crisis, the president ASAMERA in a joint venture with General Ibnu Sutowo Pertaminanya has been buying shares in companies threatened to pretend bankrupt was worth only $ 50 thousand.Ironically, the payment on 9 and 21 September 1965 was reported in The Wall Street Journal dated 9 and 30 September, the day of the Gestapu. This very "magic", when the State dalamkondisi emergency. But there's a business deal between the AD process (Pertamina) with the U.S..
Evidence of CIA involvement. Evidence of CIA involvement in the overthrow of BK, including: First, less than a year after Gestapu and bloodshed, with cheerful-happy James Reston wrote that great humanitarian tragedy with the theme "A spark, Rays in Asia": "Washington was careful to does not state a compliment to any change that ... ... in the country's sixth most populous in the world, and one of the richest countries in the world, but it does not mean that Washington did not have any connection with this incident. "
Secondly, the existence of contacts Indonesian anti-communist forces with an official Washington, which is located very high before and during the massacres. Third, the testimony of former CIA officer, Ralph McGehee selective sensors have been justified by ex-employer in the CIA.
The strategy was created CIA to destabilize a regime, by creating the actual situation and then spread the distortion interfere scenario to the whole world through mass media propaganda is strong. CIA ruse is a classic that is the plan to destabilize the situation, namely berusaaha convince either the left or right side so can not hope to get protection from the status quo and try to stimulate them to perform an increasingly massive provocation against the opposition.
Deceptive style and this polarization is done by throwing a rumor. This is reinforced by a political observer, Saundhaussen. Rumour has it among others, two weeks before Gestapu (September 14, 1965); the Army warned that there is a gang that will kill the leaders of the army in four days. The second such report was discussed at the headquarters of the Army 30th September 1965. A year earlier, there is also a document that accused the PKI is planning an infiltration into the Army to overthrow "the Nasutionis" (preached a Malaysian daily from Khoirul Saleh, pro-US). Also rumors that the Chinese mainland during 1965 was to smuggle the weapons to the PKI before Gestapu (reported by a Malaysian newspaper, quoting from a source of Bangkok, this is based from Hong Kong).
Propaganda, the CIA tricks involving multinational mass media has become its trademark "Mighty Wurlizzer"; ie basic network and the network of the world press, which through the CIA or the press network partner institutions such as the M16 is extremely difficult to trace the source. The CIA is very smart get into the issue, then as if it was anti U.S., when either the left or right into the trap of being CIA.
Jakarta is very inspiring success of the case and then dropped the CIA to regimes that "not sanctioned" Washington, like the regime in Laos (1959/1961), Sihanouk regime in Cambodia in 1970, and the overthrow of Allende in Chile in 1973 with the password "Jakarta as acerca "(Jakarta is coming).
In Chile, because the military is still reluctant to oppose Allende, the CIA made a false document that uncovered a plot plan of the left to kill the leaders of the Chilean military. News is then disseminated by the mass media to make a military alliance of the CIA who goaded Chile, the CIA provoked and trapped scenario. Soon after President Allende was overthrown and assassinated by the military.
Not felt, during the 10 years my brain stuffed with false histories engineering of the New Order in the movie "G 30 S / PKI" by Arifin C. Noer. Four years in elementary school, three years in junior and three years in high school, our history teachers are forced to teach "cult" in the form of dark history in my brain Gestapu and young people my contemporaries.
Now, the film was made years since Suharto fell in 1984 (1998) were no longer running, as well as the historical film "March 1, 1949 General Offensive" / "The attack Dawn 6 Hours Yogya" / "Yellow on special occasions." This is proof how wrong that history. But strangely, the revised history only on special occasions in Yogya Yellow-rose due to opposition from the Sultan Palace, while the history Gestapu until now -11 years-reforms still dark; sign of this nation will indeed continue to be in the dark. The elite of our leaders (both in the bureaucracy, the military authorities) of the reform era mentality until now has been dying, so that trace the history, said history was just so heavy.
Soeharto's ambition to be able to ascend the throne as king to two Indonesia-filled with bloodied (half) of millions of innocent people and their descendants suffered due to defamation. Fully paid by the overthrow of Sukarno regime and Suharto clan to surrender West Papua to be exploited fully by Freeport; business once strongly opposed by the Bung Karno. For America, this is a form of "reward" for successful return to the bosom of Papua Homeland from the clutches of the Netherlands; a U.S. plan that is consistent length, patiently and neatly structured since the late 40s era (via the Round Table Conference, 1949).
If the search for identity just so troubled nation, if the records to trace the nation's history alone is difficult, if you stretch the truth just scared the nation's history, how can we look to the future of this nation? Of course, the status quo (the pro to evil, barbarity, corruptor, oppression, kedzaliman, the seller's assets nations) continue to be a winner in this case. Indeed, Indonesia is truly a nation that weird?!
(C) aGusJohn,
Ciangsana Valley, April 5, 2009 # more-682
By Renne RA Kawilarang, Farida Harriska Adiati - Wednesday, June 30
VIVAnews - Got "stuck" in Russia for 48 years, only this time Sukirno Martosukarjo return to homeland. Sukirno is one of the few foreigners who are victims of political interests in the past so it is difficult to return to Indonesia.
At 73 years of age who have, Sukirno reunited with some relatives, including Sigit, ahead of a discussion at the Indonesian Foreign Ministry building in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 30, 2010.The atmosphere of emotion is inevitable.
For the government of Indonesia and Russia, the reunion with his family Sukirno a sweet gift for the 60th anniversary of relations between the two countries.
Sukirno also recalled times when he was detained in Russia, which is still called the Soviet Union during the 1960s. In 1962, Sukirno proudly traveled to Russia in exchange programs supported by the two governments. Sukirno ideals to learn as a student of medicine in Moscow had been reached.
However, in 1965, political upheaval in Indonesia and a year later President Soekarno was not longer in power. At the same time, Indonesian students in Russia to form a progressive student organizations who disagree with the coup.
Sukirno come involved in the organization. However, participation was fatal. Together with 12 members of the leadership of these organizations, Sukirno passport revoked by the government, which had by this time led by the New Order regime. Thus, Sukirno and friends no longer a citizen, so can not be returned to their homeland.
Cold War has long ended. In recent years, the political climate in Indonesia and Russia have changed. The Indonesian government policy has changed so much and it was felt by victims of past political as Sukirno.
He revealed just found out from Hamid Awaluddin - who became the Ambassador of Indonesia to Russia since 2008 - changes that have occurred in this country of citizenship law. Thus, Sukirno entitled to claim back an Indonesian passport which was revoked.
However, the flexibility that makes Sukirno embarrassed. Because, Sukirno already become citizens of Russia since 1992 and Indonesia has not been able to approve any citizen who wants to have dual citizenship.
Sukirno with a heavy heart to maintain its status as a Russian citizen, because the current situation - especially the factor of age - making him hard to return to WNI. "I select stay there, here [Indonesia] I can not work," said Sukirno, who now serves as professor in the medical field this.
However, he was very pleased that the relationship of Russia and Indonesia, which has been running for 60 years, is now increasingly open. "Indonesia-Russia relationship is open, I can get there without any problems here," said Sukirno.
Nevertheless, the origin of man was also expressed remorse Yogyakarta because he got high science at a young age can not be utilized for the people in this country. "I actually studied medicine for work in the homeland," said Sukirno.
Meanwhile, Hamid could bring Sukirno delighted with his relatives. According to Hamid, the relationship of both countries have moved forward.
"Moment of the most important, during the 32-year New Order regime, relations between the two countries were not severed, but quiet. But since the Soviet Russia and Indonesia turned into a reformed, a close relationship to walk again," said Hamid.
"The pride for me is a new generation of Russians, aged 18-24 years, any interest to learn Indonesian language. They dance, sing a song of Indonesia such as Thistle or Butet in Batak language," said former Justice Minister was.
Indonesia-Russia trade volume in 2009 reached U.S. $ 1.5 billion. This figure, according to Hamid, very little compared to the volume of trade between Indonesia and other countries.However, when compared with previous years, this figure is likely to be high. (Umi)
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